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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 892. -- New Year. Prayer for a Blessing.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

892. -- New Year. Prayer for a Blessing.

892. C. M. Newton. New Year. Prayer for a Blessing.

1 Now, gracious Lord, thine arm reveal,
And make thy glory known;
Now let us all thy presence feel,
And soften hearts of stone.

2 From all the guilt of former sin
May mercy set us free;
And let the year we now begin,
Begin and end with thee.

3 Send down thy spirit from above,
That saints may love thee more,
And sinners now may learn to love,
Who never loved before.

4 And when before thee we appear,
In our eternal home,
May growing numbers worship here,
And praise thee in our room.

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