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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 890. -- New Year. Providential Goodness.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

890. -- New Year. Providential Goodness.

890. C. M. Heginbotham. New Year. Providential Goodness.

1 God of our lives, thy various praise
Our voices shall resound:
Thy hand directs our fleeting days,
And brings the seasons round.

2 To thee shall grateful songs arise,
Our Father and our Friend,
Whose constant mercies from the skies
In genial streams descend.

3 In every scene of life, thy care,
In every age, we see;
And constant as thy favors are,
So let our praises be.

4 Still may thy love, in every scene,
In every age, appear;
And let the same compassion deign
To bless the opening year.

5 If mercy smile, let mercy bring
Our wandering souls to God:
In our affliction we shall sing,
If thou wilt bless the rod.

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