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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 887. -- Reflections for a New Year.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

887. -- Reflections for a New Year.

887. C. M. Doddridge. Reflections for a New Year.

1 Remark, my soul, the narrow bounds
Of the revolving year;
How swift the weeks complete their rounds!
How short the months appear!

2 Yet like an idle tale we pass
The swift advancing year;
And study artful ways t' increase
The speed of its career.

3 Waken, O God, my trifling heart,
Its great concerns to see;
That I may act the Christian part,
And give the year to thee.

4 Thus shall their course more grateful roll,
If future years arise;
Or this shall bear my peaceful soul
To joy that never dies.

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