SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 882. -- |Thou crownest the year with goodness.|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

882. -- |Thou crownest the year with goodness.|

882. 7s. M. Ev. Magazine. |Thou crownest the year with goodness.|

1 Praise on thee, in Zion's gates,
Daily, O Jehovah! waits;
Unto thee, O God! belong
Grateful words and holy song.

2 Thou the hope and refuge art
Of remotest lands apart,
Distant isles and tribes unknown,
'Mid the ocean-waste, and lone.

3 Thou dost visit earth, and rain
Blessings on the thirsty plain,
From the copious founts on high,
From the rivers of the sky.

4 Thus the clouds thy power confess,
And thy paths drop fruitfulness:
And the voice of song and mirth
Rises from the tribes of earth.

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