SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 870. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

870. -- The Same.

870. C. M. Anonymous. The Same.

1 Now let our prayers ascend to thee,
Thou great and holy One;
Above the world raise thou our hearts;
In us, thy will be done.

2 O, let us feel how frail we are,
How much we need thy grace;
O, strengthen, Lord, our fainting souls,
While here we seek thy face.

3 Our sins, alas! before thee rise;
Thou knowest all our guilt;
Let not our faith, our hope, our trust,
On earthly things be built.

4 Forgive our sins, thy spirit grant,
Let love our souls refine,
And heavenly peace and holy hope
Assure that we are thine.

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