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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 869. -- Humiliation and Prayer.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

869. -- Humiliation and Prayer.

869. C. M. S. Streeter. Humiliation and Prayer.

1 Here in thy temple, Lord, we meet,
And bow before thy throne;
Abased and guilty, at thy feet
We seek thy grace alone.

2 Our sins rise up in dread array,
And fill our hearts with fear;
Our trembling spirits melt away,
But find no helper near.

3 O, send thy pity from on high
With pardon all-divine;
Bring now thy gracious spirit nigh,
And make us wholly thine.

4 We humbly mourn our follies past,
Each guilty path deplore;
Resolved, while feeble life shall last,
To tread those paths no more.

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