SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 866. -- Winter.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

866. -- Winter.

866. C. M. Watts. Winter.

1 The hoary frost, the fleecy snow,
Descend, and clothe the ground;
The liquid streams forbear to flow,
In icy fetters bound.

2 When, from his dreadful stores on high,
God pours the sounding hail,
The man that does his power defy
Shall find his courage fail.

3 God sends his word and melts the snow;
The fields no longer mourn;
He calls the warmer gales to blow,
And bids the spring return.

4 The changing wind, the flying cloud,
Obey his mighty word;
With songs and honors sounding loud,
Praise ye the sovereign Lord.

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