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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 865. -- Autumn.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

865. -- Autumn.

865. 7s. & 6s. M. Brit. Magazine. Autumn.

1 The leaves, around me falling,
Are preaching of decay;
The hollow winds are calling,
|Come, pilgrim, come away:|
The day, in night declining,
Says I must, too, decline;
The year its bloom resigning,
Its lot foreshadows mine.

2 The light my path surrounding,
The loves to which I cling,
The hopes within me bounding,
The joys that round me wing, --
All, all, like stars at even,
Just gleam and shoot away,
Pass on before to heaven,
And chide at my delay.

3 The friends gone there before me
Are calling from on high,
And happy angels o'er me
Tempt sweetly to the sky:
|Why wait,| they say, |and wither,
'Mid scenes of death and sin?
O, rise to glory, hither,
And find true life begin.|

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