SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 847. -- The Same.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

847. -- The Same.

847. 6s. & 4s. M. J. G. Adams. The Same.

1 Loud raise the notes of joy;
Freemen, your songs employ,
As well ye may; --
Let your full hearts go out
In the exulting shout,
And with your praise devout,
Greet this glad day!

2 Children of lisping tongue,
Those whose full hearts are young
Lift up the song!
Manhood and hoary age,
Let naught your joy assuage,
In the high theme engage,
Praises prolong!

3 God of our fathers' land!
Long may our temples stand
Sacred to thee!
Let thy bright light divine
On all the people shine,
Make us forever thine,
From sin set free!

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