SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 842. -- Remembrance of our Fathers.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

842. -- Remembrance of our Fathers.

842. L. M. Roscoe. Remembrance of our Fathers.

1 Great God! beneath whose piercing eye
The world's extended kingdoms lie;
Whose favoring smile upholds them all,
Whose anger smites them, and they fall;

2 We bow before thy heavenly throne;
Thy power we see, thy goodness own;
But, cherished by thy milder voice,
Our bosoms tremble and rejoice.

3 Thy kindness to our fathers shown,
Their children's children long shall own;
To thee with grateful hearts shall raise
Their tribute of exulting praise.

4 Our God, our Guardian, and our Friend!
Oh still thy sheltering arm extend;
Preserved by thee for ages past,
For ages may thy kindness last.

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