SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 840. -- |We have a goodly heritage.|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

840. -- |We have a goodly heritage.|

840. L. M. Flint. |We have a goodly heritage.|

1 In pleasant lands have fallen the lines
That bound our goodly heritage,
And safe beneath our sheltering vines
Our youth is blest, and soothed our age.

2 What thanks, O God, to thee are due,
That thou didst plant our fathers here;
And watch and guard them as they grew,
A vineyard, to the planter dear.

3 The toils they bore, our ease have wrought;
They sowed in tears -- in joy we reap;
The birthright they so dearly bought
We'll guard, till we with them shall sleep.

4 Thy kindness to our fathers shown
In weal and woe through all the past,
Their grateful sons, O God, shall own
While here their name and race shall last.

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