SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 834. -- The Sailor's Grave.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

834. -- The Sailor's Grave.

834. C. M. Anonymous. The Sailor's Grave.

1 Not in the church-yard shall he sleep,
Amid the silent gloom, --
His home was on the mighty deep,
And there shall be his tomb.

2 He loved his own bright, deep blue sea,
O'er it he loved to roam;
And now his winding sheet shall be
That same bright ocean's foam.

3 No village bell shall toll for him
Its mournful, solemn dirge;
The winds shall chant a requiem
To him beneath the surge.

4 For him, break not the grassy turf,
Nor turn the dewy sod;
His dust shall rest beneath the surf,
His spirit with its God.

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