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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 800. -- Prayer for Zeal and Love.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

800. -- Prayer for Zeal and Love.

800. L. M. Anonymous. Prayer for Zeal and Love.

1 O Lord! whose forming hand one blood
To all the tribes and nations gave,
And giv'st to all their daily food,
Look down in pity on the slave!

2 Fetters and chains and stripes remove,
Deliv'rance to the captives give;
And pour the tide of light and love
Upon their souls, and bid them live.

3 Oh! kindle in our hearts a flame
Of zeal, thy holy will to do;
And bid each one, who loves thy name,
Love all his bleeding brethren too.

4 Through all thy temples, let the stain
Of prejudice each bosom flee;
And, hand in hand, let Afric's train,
With Europe's children, worship thee.

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