SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 794. -- Morning Hymn for Family Worship.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

794. -- Morning Hymn for Family Worship.

794. 8s. & 7s. M. Pierpont. Morning Hymn for Family Worship.

1 Pillows, wet with tears of anguish,
Couches, pressed in sleepless woe,
Where the sons of Belial languish,
Father, may we never know!

2 For, the maddening cup shall never
To our thirsting lips be pressed,
But, our draft shall be, forever,
The cold water thou hast blessed.

3 This shall give us strength to labor,
This, make all our stores increase;
This, with thee and with our neighbor,
Bind us in the bonds of peace.

4 For the lake, the well, the river,
Water-brook and crystal spring,
Do we now, to thee, the Giver,
Thanks, our daily tribute, bring.

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