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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 791. -- Temperance Hymn.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

791. -- Temperance Hymn.

791. L. M. Anonymous. Temperance Hymn.

1 God of our fathers, 'tis thy hand
Hath turned the tide of death away,
That rolled in madness o'er the land,
And filled thy people with dismay.

2 Thy voice awaked us from our dream:
Thy spirit taught our hearts to feel;
'Twas thy own light, whose radiant beam
Came down our duty to reveal.

3 Almighty Parent, still in thee
Our spirits trust for strength divine;
Gird us with heaven's own energy,
And o'er our paths let wisdom shine.

4 The work of man's destruction stay;
The tide of fire still backward press;
Drive each delusive mist away,
And every humble effort bless.

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