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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 789. -- For a Temperance Anniversary.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

789. -- For a Temperance Anniversary.

789. L. M. Mrs. Sigourney. For a Temperance Anniversary.

1 We praise thee, if one rescued soul,
While the past year prolonged its flight,
Turned, shuddering, from the poisonous bowl,
To health, and liberty, and light.

2 We praise thee, if one clouded home,
Where broken hearts despairing pined,
Beheld the sire and husband come
Erect and in his perfect mind.

3 No more a weeping wife to mock,
Till all her hopes in anguish end;
No more the trembling child to shock,
And sink the father in the fiend.

4 Still give us grace, almighty King!
Unwavering at our posts to stand,
Till grateful to thy shrine we bring
The tribute of a ransomed land.

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