SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 787. -- For a Public Hospital or Asylum.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

787. -- For a Public Hospital or Asylum.

787. L. M. Montgomery. For a Public Hospital or Asylum.

1 When, like a stranger on our sphere,
The lowly Jesus wandered here,
Where'er he went, affliction fled.
And sickness reared her fainting head.

2 Demoniac madness, dark and wild,
In his inspiring presence smiled;
The storm of horror ceased to roll,
And reason lightened through the soul.

3 Through paths of loving-kindness led,
Where Jesus triumphed, we would tread;
To all, with willing hands, dispense
The crumbs of our benevolence.

4 Here the whole family of woe
Shall friends, and home, and comfort know;
The blasted form and shipwrecked mind
Shall here a tranquil haven find.

5 And Thou, dread Power, whose sovereign breath
Is health or sickness, life or death,
This favored mansion deign to bless;
The cause is thine -- send thou success!

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