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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 781. -- For a Charitable Meeting.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

781. -- For a Charitable Meeting.

781. L. M. J. G. Adams. For a Charitable Meeting.

1 God of the poor! whose listening ear
Is sought by want's imploring cry, --
Whose bounty and whose grace are near,
Thy needy children to supply: --

2 To whom with more acceptance rise
The words of mercy's voice divine,
Than pompous rites, or sacrifice
Of flocks and herds, of oil and wine.

3 Where'er the poor our aid demand,
Teach us with ready steps to move,
Give us the zealous heart and hand
To do the work of Christian love; --

4 The downcast spirit to revive,
The fainting heart with joy to bless;
To bid the solitary live --
The widow and the fatherless.

5 Thus will we thank thee that thy grace
Inclined our feet in paths to go
Where shines that brightness of thy face,
Which the obedient only know.

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