SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 774. -- Christian Beneficence.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

774. -- Christian Beneficence.

774. C. P. M. Blacklock. Christian Beneficence.

1 Hail, love divine! joys ever new,
While thy kind dictates we pursue,
Our souls delighted share,
Too high for sordid minds to know,
Who on themselves alone bestow
Their wishes and their care.

2 By thee inspired, the generous breast,
In blessing others only blest,
With kindness large and free,
Delights the widow's tears to stay,
To teach the blind their smoothest way,
And aid the feeble knee.

3 O God, with sympathetic care,
In others' joys and griefs to share,
Do thou our hearts incline;
Each low, each selfish wish control,
Warm with benevolence the soul,
And make us wholly thine.

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