SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 761. -- On the Death of a Female Scholar.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

761. -- On the Death of a Female Scholar.

761. 8s. & 7s. M. R. C. Waterston. On the Death of a Female Scholar.

1 One sweet flower has drooped and faded,
One sweet infant's voice has fled,
One fair brow the grave has shaded,
One dear school-mate now is dead.

2 But we feel no thought of sadness,
For our friend is happy now;
She has knelt in soul-felt gladness,
Where the blessed angels bow.

3 She has gone to heaven before us,
But she turns and waves her hand,
Pointing to the glories o'er us,
In that happy spirit-land.

4 God, our Father, watch above us,
Keep us all from danger free;
Do thou guard, and guide, and love us,
Till like her we go to thee.

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