SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 753. -- Sabbath School Anniversary.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

753. -- Sabbath School Anniversary.

753. 6s. & 4s. M. J. G. Adams. Sabbath School Anniversary.

1 Creation's sovereign Lord!
Be thy glad name adored
Through earth and sky!
Hear, as in youthful days
To thee we humbly raise
Songs of our grateful praise,
Holy and high!

2 Thanks for thy light so free,
Causing our eyes to see
Thy truth and grace;
Love, that dispels our fear,
Mercy, to sinners dear,
Life, dying souls to cheer,
For all our race.

3 Thanks, that on hearts like ours
Thy loving kindness showers
Knowledge divine;
O let its influence be
Fruitful in works for thee,
Causing in purity
Our lives to shine.

4 Bless this our childhood band,
And let us ever stand
Truthful and strong;
Christians in deed and love,
Such as thou wilt approve,
Till we in worlds above
Thy praise prolong!

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