SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 752. -- For the Close of a Sabbath School.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

752. -- For the Close of a Sabbath School.

752. L. M. Anonymous. For the Close of a Sabbath School.

1 Father, once more let grateful praise
And humble prayer to thee ascend;
Thou Guide and Guardian of our ways,
Our early and our only Friend.

2 Since every day and hour that's gone
Has been with mercy richly crowned,
Mercy, we know, shall still flow on,
Forever sure as time rolls round.

3 Hear then the parting prayers we pour,
And bind our hearts in love alone;
And if we meet on earth no more,
May we at last surround thy throne.

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