749. 8s. & 7s. M. Anonymous. Opening of the School.
1 We have met in peace together
In this house of God again;
Constant friends have led us hither,
Here to chant the solemn strain,
Here to breathe our adoration,
Here the Saviour's praise to sing:
May the Spirit of salvation
Come with healing in his wing.
2 We have met, and Time is flying;
We shall part, and still his wing,
Sweeping o'er the dead and dying,
Will the changeful seasons bring:
Let us, while our hearts are lightest,
In our fresh and early years,
Turn to Him whose smile is brightest,
And whose grace will calm our fears.
3 He will aid us, should existence
With its sorrows sting the breast;
Gleaming in the onward distance,
Faith will mark the land of rest:
There, 'midst day-beams round him playing,
We our Father's face shall see,
And shall hear him gently saying,
|Little children, come to me.|