SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 710. -- Ordination Hymn.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

710. -- Ordination Hymn.

710. C. M. E. H. Chapin. Ordination Hymn.

1 O Thou, who didst ordain the Word,
And its strong heralds send,
We draw the holy veil of prayer,
And in thy presence bend.
To this young warrior of the cross,
Who takes his station here,
Be thou a teacher and a guide,
And be thy Spirit near.

2 A pure disciple, let him tread
The ways his Master trod --
Giving the weary spirits rest,
Leading the lost to God --
Stooping to lend the sufferer aid,
Crushed sorrow's wail to hear,
To bind the widow's broken heart,
And dry the orphan's tear.

3 For war with error, make him strong,
And sin, the soul's dark foe --
But let him humbly seek for truth,
Where'er its waters flow.
And when, O Father, at the grave
He lays his armor down,
Give him the victor's glistening robe,
The palm-wreath and the crown.

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