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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 708. -- Benefits of the Ministry.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

708. -- Benefits of the Ministry.

708. 8s. & 6s. M. S. F. Smith. Benefits of the Ministry.

1 Blest is the hour when cares depart,
And earthly scenes are far, --
When tears of woe forget to start,
And gently dawns upon the heart
Devotion's holy star.

2 Blest is the place where angels bend
To hear our worship rise,
Where kindred thoughts their musings blend,
And all the soul's affections tend
Beyond the veiling skies.

3 Blest are the hallowed vows that bind
Man to his work of love, --
Bind him to cheer the humble mind,
Console the weeping, lead the blind,
And guide to joys above.

4 Sweet shall the song of glory swell,
Spirit divine to thee,
When they whose work is finished well,
In thy own courts of rest shall dwell,
Blest through eternity.

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