SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 704. -- A House for God.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

704. -- A House for God.

704. L. M. Watts. A House for God.

1 Where shall we go to seek and find
A habitation for our God?
A dwelling for th' Eternal Mind
Among the sons of flesh and blood?

2 The God of Jacob chose the hill
Of Zion for his ancient rest;
And Zion is his dwelling still;
His church is with his presence blest.

3 Here will he meet the hungry poor,
And fill their souls with living bread;
Here sinners, waiting at his door,
With sweet provision shall be fed.

4 |Here will I fix my gracious throne,
And reign forever,| saith the Lord;
|Here shall my power and love be known,
And blessings shall attend my word.|

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