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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 702. -- Dedication of a Country Church.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

702. -- Dedication of a Country Church.

702. L. M. J. G. Adams. Dedication of a Country Church.

1 On this fair spot where nature pays
From hill, and vale, and flower, and tree,
In morning beams, in evening rays,
Its homage, God of all, to thee; --

2 Thy children meet to dedicate
This temple to thy gracious name;
Our hearts and songs to elevate, --
Thy grace and glory to proclaim.

3 Descend -- and with thy spirit bless
The offering; may it ever be
Sacred to truth and righteousness,
From error's dread dominion free.

4 Here let the standard of thy word
Be raised and held by gospel hands;
Hither bring hearts with one accord,
To learn and do thy great commands.

5 And when we leave these courts below,
To join the hosts in praise above,
May others here rejoice to know
Thy boundless, everlasting love.

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