SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 701. -- Dedication Hymn.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

701. -- Dedication Hymn.

701. H. M. O. A. Skinner. Dedication Hymn.

1 Thou Fount of love and grace,
Whose throne is fixed on high,
Unveil thy smiling face,
And to our souls draw nigh;
And let our prayers and praise arise,
Like grateful incense to the skies.

2 This house to thee we give --
Thine may it ever be --
Here bid the sinner live,
Here set the captive free,
Here let thy word its beams display
And safely guide to endless day.

3 Here may the stricken heart
By truth be cheered and blessed,
And here thy grace impart,
To all by grief oppressed --
And streams of peace and plenty flow,
To all who seek thy joy to know.

4 Long may these walls resound
With thy salvation, Lord,
And grace to all abound,
Who hear thy holy word --
And youth and age their offerings raise.
In songs of ardent, cheerful praise.

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