SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 668. -- Children commended to Christ.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

668. -- Children commended to Christ.

668. 8s. & 7s. M. Anonymous. Children commended to Christ.

1 Saviour, who thy flock art feeding
With the shepherd's kindest care,
All the feeble gently leading,
While the lambs thy bosom share, --

2 Now, these little ones receiving,
Fold them in thy gracious arm;
There, we know -- thy word believing, --
Only there, secure from harm.

3 Never, from thy pasture roving,
Let them be the lion's prey;
Let thy tenderness, so loving,
Keep them all life's dangerous way.

4 Then within thy fold eternal
Let them find a resting-place;
Feed in pastures ever vernal,
Drink the rivers of thy grace.

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