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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 666. -- Infants, living or dying, in the Arms of Christ.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

666. -- Infants, living or dying, in the Arms of Christ.

666. C. M. Stennett. Infants, living or dying, in the Arms of Christ.

1 Thy life I read, my dearest Lord,
With transport all-divine;
Thine image trace in every word,
Thy love in every line.

2 With joy, I see a thousand charms
Spread o'er thy lovely face;
While infants in thy tender arms
Receive the smiling grace.

3 |I take these little lambs,| said he,
|And lay them on my breast;
Protection they shall find in me, --
In me be ever blest.

4 |Death may the bands of life unloose,
But can't dissolve my love;
Millions of infant souls compose
The family above.|

5 His words, ye happy parents, hear,
And shout, with joys divine,
|Dear Saviour! all we have and are
Shall be forever thine.|

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