SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 662. -- A Welcome to Christian Fellowship.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

662. -- A Welcome to Christian Fellowship.

662. L. M. Kelly. A Welcome to Christian Fellowship.

1 Come in, thou blessed of the Lord,
O, come in Jesus' precious name;
We welcome thee with one accord,
And trust the Saviour does the same.

2 Those joys which earth cannot afford,
We'll seek in fellowship to prove,
Joined in one spirit to our Lord,
Together bound by mutual love.

3 And while we pass this vale of tears,
We'll make our joys and sorrows known;
We'll share each other's hopes and fears,
And count a brother's care our own.

4 Once more our welcome we repeat;
Receive assurance of our love:
O, may we all together meet
Around the throne of God above!

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