SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 647. -- Triumph.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

647. -- Triumph.

647. P. M. Warren St. Coll. Triumph.

1 Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness!
Awake! for thy foes shall oppress thee no more;
Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day-star of gladness, Arise! for the night of thy sorrow is o'er.

2 Strong were thy foes, but the arm that subdued them And scattered their legions was mightier far;
They fled like the chaff from the scourge that pursued them, Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war.

3 Daughter of Zion, the power that hath saved thee Extolled with the harp and the timbrel should be;
Shout! for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee; Th' oppressor is vanquished, and Zion is free.

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