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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 626. -- Fear not.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

626. -- Fear not.

626. C. M. Aveling. Fear not.

1 Whene'er the clouds of sorrow roll,
And trials whelm the mind, --
When, faint with grief, thy wearied soul
No joys on earth can find, --
Then lift thy voice to God on high,
Dry up the trembling tear,
And hush the low complaining sigh:
Fear not; thy God is near.

2 When dark temptations spread their snares
And earth with charms allures,
And when thy soul, oppressed with fears,
The world's assault endures,
Then let thy Father's friendly voice
Thy fainting spirit cheer,
And bid thy trembling heart rejoice:
Fear not; thy God is near.

3 And when the final hour shall come,
That calls thee to thy rest,
To dwell within thy heavenly home,
A welcome, joyful guest,
Be calm; though Jordan's waves may roll,
No ills shall meet thee there;
Angels shall whisper to thy soul,
Fear not; thy God is near.

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