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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 625. -- Contentment and Resignation.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

625. -- Contentment and Resignation.

625. C. P. M. Cotton. Contentment and Resignation.

1 If solid happiness we prize,
Within our breasts the jewel lies;
Nor need we roam abroad:
The world has little to bestow;
From pious hearts our joys must flow,
Hearts that delight in God.

2 To be resigned, when ills betide,
Patient, when favors are denied,
And pleased with favors given;
This is the wise, the virtuous part;
This is that incense of the heart,
Whose fragrance reaches heaven.

3 Thus through life's changing scenes we'll go,
Its checkered paths of joy and woe,
With holy care we'll tread:
Quit its vain scenes without a tear,
Without a trouble or a fear,
And mingle with the dead.

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