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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 607. -- Weeping Seed-Time and Joyful Harvest. Ps. 126.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

607. -- Weeping Seed-Time and Joyful Harvest. Ps. 126.

607. L. M. Doddridge. Weeping Seed-Time and Joyful Harvest. Ps.126.

1 The darkened sky, how thick it lowers!
Troubled with storms, and big with showers,
No cheerful gleam of light appears,
And nature pours forth all her tears.

2 But seeds of ecstasy unknown
Are in these watered furrows sown:
See the green blades, how thick they rise,
And with fresh verdure bless our eyes!

3 In secret foldings they contain
Unnumbered ears of golden grain:
And heaven shall pour its beams around,
Till the ripe harvest load the ground.

4 Then shall the trembling mourner come
And bind his sheaves and bear them home;
The voice long broke with sighs shall sing,
Till heaven with hallelujahs ring.

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