SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 581. -- |Not lost, but gone before.|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

581. -- |Not lost, but gone before.|

581. L. M. Anonymous. |Not lost, but gone before.|

1 Say, why should friendship grieve for those
Who safe arrive on Canaan's shore?
Released from all their hurtful foes,
They are not lost -- but gone before.

2 How many painful days on earth
Their fainting spirits numbered o'er!
Now they enjoy a heavenly birth;
They are not lost -- but gone before.

3 Dear is the spot where Christians sleep,
And sweet the strain which angels pour;
O why should we in anguish weep?
They are not lost -- but gone before.

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