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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 579. -- Burial of a Friend.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

579. -- Burial of a Friend.

579. C. M. L. H. Sigourney. Burial of a Friend.

1 As, bowed by sudden storms, the rose
Sinks on the garden's breast,
Down to the grave our brother goes,
In silence there to rest.

2 No more with us his tuneful voice
The hymn of praise shall swell;
No more his cheerful heart rejoice
When peals the Sabbath bell.

3 Yet, if, in yonder cloudless sphere
Amid a sinless throng,
He utters in his Saviour's ear
The everlasting song, --

4 No more we'll mourn the absent friend,
But lift our earnest prayer,
And daily every effort bend
To rise and join him there.

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