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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 571. -- |Weep not for me!|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

571. -- |Weep not for me!|

571. L. M. W. J. Loring. |Weep not for me!|

1 Why weep for those, frail child of woe,
Who've fled and left thee mourning here?
Triumphant o'er their latest foe,
They glory in a brighter sphere.

2 Weep not for them; -- beside thee now
Perhaps they watch with guardian care,
And witness tears that idly flow
O'er those who bliss of angels share.

3 Or round their Father's throne, above,
With raptured voice his praise they sing;
Or on his messages of love,
They journey with unwearied wing.

4 Weep, weep no more; their voices raise
The song of triumph high to God;
And wouldst thou join their song of praise,
Walk humbly in the path they trod.

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