SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 563. -- Heavenly Rest.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

563. -- Heavenly Rest.

563. S. M. R. Palmer. Heavenly Rest.

1 And is there, Lord, a rest,
For weary souls designed,
Where not a care shall stir the breast,
Or sorrow entrance find?

2 Is there a blissful home,
Where kindred minds shall meet,
And live and love, nor ever roam
From that serene retreat?

3 Forever blessed they,
Whose joyful feet shall stand,
While endless ages waste away,
Amid that glorious land.

4 My soul would thither tend,
While toilsome years are given;
Then let me, gracious God, ascend
To sweet repose in heaven.

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