SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 561. -- Heavenly Zion.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

561. -- Heavenly Zion.

561. C. M. H. Ballou. Heavenly Zion.

1 Behold, on Zion's heavenly shore,
A pure and countless band,
Whose conflicts and whose toils are o'er,
In glorious order stand.

2 From earth's remotest bounds they came,
From tribulations great,
And, through the victories of the Lamb,
Have reached the heavenly state.

3 Hunger and thirst they know no more,
From burning heats refreshed;
The Lamb shall feed them from his store,
And give them endless rest.

4 God all their tears shall wipe away,
And they his wonders tell,
While in his temple they shall stay,
And God with them shall dwell.

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