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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 539. -- The Happy Death.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

539. -- The Happy Death.

539. C. M. Anonymous. The Happy Death.

1 Lord, must we die? O let us die
Trusting in thee alone!
Our living testimony given,
Then leave our dying one.

2 If we must die, O let us die
In peace with all mankind,
And change these fleeting joys below
For pleasures all refined.

3 If we must die, -- as die we must, --
Let some kind seraph come,
And bear us on his friendly wing
To our celestial home!

4 Of Canaan's land, from Pisgah's top,
May we but have a view!
Though Jordan should o'erflow its banks,
We'll boldly venture through.

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