SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 506. -- Docility and Trust.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

506. -- Docility and Trust.

506. 7s. M. Newton. Docility and Trust.

1 Quiet, Lord, my froward heart,
Make me teachable and mild;
Upright, simple, free from art,
Make me as a weaned child;
From distrust and envy free,
Pleased with all that pleaseth thee.

2 What thou shalt to-day provide,
Let me as a child receive;
What to-morrow may betide,
Calmly to thy wisdom leave:
'Tis enough that thou wilt care;
Why should I the burden bear?

3 As a little child relies
On a care beyond his own;
Knows he's neither strong nor wise
Fears to stir a step alone;
Let me thus with thee abide,
As my Father, Guard, and Guide.

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