SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 496. -- The Fatherly Love of God.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

496. -- The Fatherly Love of God.

496. S. M. Patrick The Fatherly Love of God.

1 God, who is just and kind,
Will those who err instruct,
And to the paths of righteousness
Their wandering steps conduct.

2 The humble soul he guides,
Teaches the meek his way,
Kindness and truth he shows to all
Who his just laws obey.

3 Give me the tender heart
That mixes fear with love,
And lead me through whatever path
Thy wisdom shall approve.

4 Oh! ever keep my soul
From error, shame and guilt;
Nor suffer the fair hope to fail,
Which on thy truth is built.

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