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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 485. -- |Thy Will be done.|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

485. -- |Thy Will be done.|

485. C. M. Percy Chapel Coll. |Thy Will be done.|

1 Father, I know thy ways are just,
Although to me unknown;
O, grant me grace thy love to trust,
And cry, |Thy will be done.|

2 If thou shouldst hedge with thorns my path;
Should wealth and friends be gone;
Still with a firm and lively faith,
I'll cry, |Thy will be done.|

3 Although thy steps I cannot trace,
Thy sovereign right I'll own;
And, as instructed by thy grace;
I'll cry, |Thy will be done.|

4 'Tis sweet thus passively to lie
Before thy gracious throne,
Concerning everything to cry,
|My Father's will be done.|

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