SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 477. -- Prayer for Divine Guidance.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

477. -- Prayer for Divine Guidance.

477. L. M. Merrick. Prayer for Divine Guidance.

1 Teach me, O teach me, Lord! thy way;
So, to my life's remotest day,
By thy unerring precepts led,
My willing feet its paths shall tread.

2 Informed by thee, with sacred awe,
My heart shall meditate thy law;
And with celestial wisdom filled,
To thee its full obedience yield.

3 Give me to know thy will aright, --
Thy will, my glory and delight. --
That, raised above the world, my mind
In thee its highest good may find.

4 O turn from vanity mine eye;
To me thy quickening strength supply;
And with thy promised mercy cheer
A heart devoted to thy fear.

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