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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 470. -- Prayer for Grace in Trial.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

470. -- Prayer for Grace in Trial.

470. C. M. Montgomery. Prayer for Grace in Trial.

1 Father of all our mercies, thou
In whom we move and live,
Hear us in heaven, thy dwelling, now,
And answer, and forgive.

2 When, harassed by ten thousand foes,
Our helplessness we feel,
O, give the weary soul repose,
The wounded spirit heal.

3 When dire temptations gather round
And threaten or allure,
By storm or calm, in thee be found
A refuge strong and sure.

4 When age advances, may we grow
In faith, in hope, and love,
And walk in holiness below
To holiness above.

5 When earthly joys and cares depart,
Desire and envy cease,
Be thou the portion of our heart, --
In thee may we have peace.

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