SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 464. -- Silent Worship.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

464. -- Silent Worship.

464. C. M. J. J. Gurney. Silent Worship.

1 Let deepest silence all around
Its peaceful shelter spread;
So shall the living word abound,
The word that wakes the dead.

2 How sweet to wait upon the Lord
In stillness and in prayer!
What though no preacher speak the word
A minister is there:

3 He knows to bend the heart of steel,
He bows the loftiest soul;
O'er all we think and all we feel,
How matchless his control!

4 And, O, how precious is his love
In tender mercy given;
It whispers of the blest above,
And stays the soul on heaven.

5 From mind to mind, in streams of joy,
The holy influence spreads;
'T is peace, 'tis praise without alloy,
For God that influence sheds.

6 To thee, O God, we still will pray,
And praise thee as before;
For this thy glorious gospel-day,
Teach us to praise thee more.

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