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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 461. -- For Freedom from Secret Sin.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

461. -- For Freedom from Secret Sin.

461. C. M. Doddridge. For Freedom from Secret Sin.

1 Searcher of hearts! before thy face
I all my soul display;
And, conscious of its innate arts,
Entreat thy strict survey.

2 If, lurking in its inmost folds,
I any sin conceal,
O, let a ray of light divine
The secret guile reveal.

3 If tinctured with that odious gall
Unknowing I remain,
Let grace, like a pure silver stream,
Wash out the hateful stain.

4 If, in these fatal fetters bound,
A wretched slave I lie,
Smite off my chains, and wake my soul
To light and liberty.

5 To humble penitence and prayer
Be gentle pity given;
Speak ample pardon to my heart,
And seal its claim to heaven.

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