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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 458. -- For the Understanding and Influence of God's Word.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

458. -- For the Understanding and Influence of God's Word.

458. L. M.6l. Merrick. For the Understanding and Influence of God's Word.

1 While here as wandering sheep we stray,
Teach us, O teach us, Lord, thy way!
Dispose our hearts, with willing awe,
To love thy word, to keep thy law;
That, by thy guiding precepts led,
Our feet the paths of truth may tread.

2 Great Source of light to all below!
Teach us thy holy will to know:
Teach us to read thy word aright,
And make it our supreme delight;
That, purged from vain desires, our mind
In thee its only good may find.

3 Maker, instructer, judge of all,
O hear us when on thee we call!
To us, all-bounteous Lord, dispense
Thy grace, and guiding influence!
Preserve us in thy holy ways,
And teach our hearts to speak thy praise!

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