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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 444. -- |Giving thanks to God in all things.|

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

444. -- |Giving thanks to God in all things.|

444. L. M. Browne. |Giving thanks to God in all things.|

1 Great God! my joyful thanks to thee
Shall, like thy gifts, continual be:
In constant streams thy bounty flows,
Nor end nor intermission knows.

2 Thy kindness all my comforts gives;
My numerous wants thy hand relieves;
Nor can I ever, Lord, be poor,
Who live on thy exhaustless store.

3 If what I wish thy will denies,
It is that thou art good and wise;
Afflictions, which may make me mourn,
Thou canst, thou dost, to blessings turn.

4 Deep, Lord, upon my thankful breast,
Let all thy favors be imprest;
And though withdrawn thy gifts should be
In all things I'll give thanks to thee.

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